I am have created an ebook to help women have a beautiful, clean and inspiring wardrobe, for their lifestyle today.
So, here is an extract to get you thinking!
Research shows that the majority of people only wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time.
What do you want your wardrobe to look like? How would you like to see your wardrobe?
How do you spend your time?
Dog walking, working in an office, gardening, running a home, or all of the above? You want to make sure your wardrobe works for you and the clothes are suitable for the current lifestyle you lead.
Work out how you spend your time - for example, If you work in an office Monday - Friday, perhaps having a wardrobe full of gym clothes won't work!
Work out what percentage of time you are doing various activities - and does your current wardrobe have clothes that fit into those categories and match those percentages?
When do you have "I've nothing to wear moments"?
You want a wardrobe of clothes that is for your current lifestyle, so whatever the occasion, you have an outfit to hand
You need to be ruthless. Any clothes that you are not wearing are taking up valuable space in your wardrobe.
By having a clear, clean wardrobe, you can instantly see what you have and what needs replacing.
Freeing up your wardrobe space will allow you to see combinations that you have not seen before.
If you have a lot of clothes, then think about doing this at the end of each season, packing away those clothes that are not suitable and won't be worn in the new season ahead.
I’m super excited about this eBook and as we are coming into the warmer months, it’s a perfect time to have a look at our existing wardrobe and ask ourselves whether it is suitable for the lifestyle we have now, and not the lifestyle we had a few years ago!
How is your wardrobe?
To get your copy click HERE